Contract Costing in Construction Projects Tenders - Software engineering

Contract Costing in Construction Projects Tenders The research hypothesis depends on the existence of a general phenomenon in the contracts ...

Contract Costing in Construction Projects Tenders

Contract Costing in Construction Projects Tenders

The research hypothesis depends on the existence of a general
phenomenon in the contracts business of the contractors represented in
the fact that the actual costs of the contracts expended during the
execution period exceed the estimated costs of the constructive contracts
in the tender presentation phase , resulting in a financial shortage and
economic problems for the contractors. The research has adopted the
lifecycle of system building which goes through different phases.

the problem identification, the problem analysis and the design of the
proposed management system. To achieve this goal, both the standard
local and international systems have been studied.Morover, the proposed
management system has been programmed in accordance with the various
computer programmes so that all of them form a developed computer
program used for pricing the various activities of the construction
contracts.A faster and more accurate program that is also characterized by
being simple, scientific,efficient and easily used by the contactors. It is
also flexible enough for being developed and adjusted to future changes.
Furthermore, it depends on work breakdown structure and agrees with the
united standard guide of quantity survey for civil engineering works.


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