Sample Template for Project Analysis for Business Consulting Firms - Software engineering

A comprehensive business analysis paves the way for successful changes of organizations. We analyze your current challenges and opportunitie...

Sample Template for Project Analysis for Business Consulting Firms

Sample Template for Project Analysis for Business Consulting Firms
A comprehensive business analysis paves the way for successful changes of organizations. We analyze your current challenges and opportunities jointly for various different topics (e.g. organizational development, product development, further development of stakeholder relationships etc.) – not only for IT solutions! We specify the precise requirements to solve the problem or seize the opportunity, derive alternative solutions and support the implementation by a professional requirements management.

Objectives of business analysis consulting are the development of strategies, structures, and cultures for professional business analysis.
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Business analysis consulting includes the following Services:

  • Development of a business analysis guideline 
  • Description of process & methods for business analysis 
  • Development of templates for business analysis 
  • Definition of roles in the business analysis processes 
  • Description of types of requirements, methods for requirements specification and requirements management 
  • Consulting of business analysis teams 
Business analysis consulting is performed by a consulting team in cooperation with representatives of the respective organization.

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