PMP Exam Simulator: PMBOK 6 Edition, 2 Exams, 400 Questions - Software engineering

Close to PMP Exam, Prepared with Real Project Experiences, Covering All the Topics, Best for PMP Exam. Are you pursuing PMP exam?  You ha...

PMP Exam Simulator: PMBOK 6 Edition, 2 Exams, 400 Questions

Close to PMP Exam, Prepared with Real Project Experiences, Covering All the Topics, Best for PMP Exam.
Are you pursuing PMP exam? 

You have studied a lot, PMBOK 6, Rita, and soon... watched lots of videos, answered several questions in and around and, in social network as well. 

It's all well and good. However, you should test your exam readiness (score) and schedule your PMP real exam. With this Simulator you can test your readiness and, if you want then you can practice the test several times to increase your score so that you can improvise your confidence in passing PMP.

The Simulator includes the questions from: 

  • Situational Questions 
  • Knowledge-based Questions 
  • Definition/ glossary Questions 
  • Inputs-Tools-Techniques-Outputs (ITTO) Questions 
  • Process flow Questions 
  • Formulas Questions 
  • EXCEPT, NOT, BEST, NEXT Quiestions 
  • Exam Content Outline Question 
  • Code of Ethics Questions 
  • There are 2 Exams, Each exam contains 200 Questions; Total of 400 Questions 
  • Questions are very close to the real exam 
  • Questions are prepared professionally, qualitatively and with real project experiences. 
  • Do practice the simulator several times until the scores reach up to 85-90%. 
  • Please try this Simulator and pass your PMP at the First Attempt with Above Target.

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