Strategies and Types of Project Planning - Software engineering

Content: What is PLANNING?  TYPES OF PLANNING  Advantages  Limitations What is the planning definition: Planning is deciding in advance wh...

Strategies and Types of Project Planning

Strategies and Types of Project Planning

  • What is PLANNING? 
  • Advantages 
  • Limitations
What is the planning definition:
  • Planning is deciding in advance what is to be done when where, how and by whom it is to be done. 
  • Planning bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to go. 
  • It includes the selection of objectives, policies, procedures, and programmes from among alternatives
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What are the advantages of project planning:
  • Planning facilitates management by objectives 
  • Planning minimizes uncertainties 
  • Planning facilitates co-ordination 
  • Planning improves employee’s moral 
  • Planning helps in achieving economies 
  • Planning facilitates controlling 
  • Planning provides competitive edge 
  • Planning encourages innovations
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