Project Planning and Management Fundamentals - Software engineering

Project Planning and Management Fundamentals  Lecture Structure Planning a project  Lifecycle of a project  Decision making – BPM, BPEO, BAT...

Project Planning and Management Fundamentals

Project Planning and Management Fundamentals
Project Planning and Management Fundamentals 
Lecture Structure
  • Planning a project 
  • Lifecycle of a project 
  • Decision making – BPM, BPEO, BAT, BATNEEC, MADA etc. 
  • Stakeholder engagement
Key early messages 
  • Invest time and effort in the planning stages of a project. 
  • Data and information will already exist. Collate it, quality assures it, database it and be able to visualize it. 
  • Understand your objectives. 
  • Don’t make the situation worse. 
  • Apply the waste management hierarchy. 
  • Identify your stakeholders and engage with them
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How to view a project 
A project is like a journey:
  • If you don’t know your destination you have a problem. 
  • There may be various routes to take to get to your destination. 
  • There may be various ways of traveling along those routes. 
  • You will collate and assess information in order to make your decision. 
  • You may have constraints, i.e. time, cost. 
  • You need to make the decision itself. 
  • You may need to share the decision you have made with others.
  • Once you have chosen your route you may need a backup plan.
  • All of these considerations go into the planning of a project.
  • A good example is how you planned your journey to Chicago.

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