Project Management Process Overview - Software engineering

Project management process is an administration process for the planning and control of the services or the implementation of a project. Thi...

Project Management Process Overview

Project Management Process Overview

Project management process is an administration process for the planning and control of the services or the implementation of a project. This process begins after the approval by the customer, is based on the contract, and is targeted on the initial values of the process and the general management of a project.
The project management process requires a specific configuration that contains the project management documentation; project plans; project management methods; information exchange (individual interviews, project meetings, project workshops etc.); resources for the project planning and project implementation. 

The following aspects should be performed during the project management process: project introduction; project planning; project realization; project control; analysis and assessment of the project relevance. 
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The results of one of these processes are delivery of the project product; achievement of the project objectives; documentation of the learning processes.

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