How to Identify Risks? - Software engineering

How to Identify Risks This risk identification video basically a risk is a problem that does not occur yet, in other words, it is a potentia...

How to Identify Risks?

How to Identify Risks
How to Identify Risks
This risk identification video basically a risk is a problem that does not occur yet, in other words, it is a potential issue now risk management is a critical project management skills other project management skills include planning organizing and communication. 
if you want to identify risks in your project quickly you can use a risk checklist a negative answer to any of the following questions may mean a risk you should build your own risk checklist according to your specific project clients organization industry domain requirements and your past learning.
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Now let us see risks under various project risk categories these can be budget risks scope risks personnel or people related risks schedule risk technical risks or quality risks now let us see the questions to ask under each project risk category first is budget risks is the funding for the project secure are the cost of the project assets like hardware needed software needed and people related cost stable next scope risks is the project scope defined and agreed by all stakeholders are the requirements stable next personnel residual these are several because of the human element involved are the required persons available for the duration of the project are they available at the required project work locations or sites are the required persons committed to the success of the project duty available team members have the required skills and prior experience if not can the skills be built and used within the project duration is the management committed to this project are real users available for reviews and feedback does the team communicate with in itself and with other groups next scheduled risk are the effort estimates and duration estimates realistic are these estimates acceptable to the project sponsor is the project free from late requirement changes is the project free from delays because of external parties are the scheduled activities and deliverables on track next technical reviews have the pre project feasibility activities form the project to be viable are the technologies and tools well understood by the project team are the required environments like development staging test and production environments available are the sufficient for each requirement are the project deliverables reviewed accepted and actually used lastly we can have quality risks are the software requirements well understood by the team another affected person is the software test strategy capable of meeting the objectives of the business users and the project is there a well understood process for software testing our traction meaning regular usage reviews and feedback by the users clients and management positive a risk means a possible problem or issue in this video we learned how to identify project reciprocity by using a risk reject list the risks are categorized as budget risks scope rates Chris personal risks schedule risk technical risks and quality risk that's all in this video thank you and see you in my other videos 

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